Pasquale Di Fazio was born in Lavello (1960), Italy, but spent part of his life in Milan. He is a self-taught artist and from 1985 he devoted himself entirely to painting, exhibiting his work for the first time in Milan in 1990. From that moment on he presented his works in Europe, the United States and Asia.
Di Fazio currently lives and works in Tuscany and focuses on abstract art. His deep knowledge of composition and depth allows his paintings to take on a spatial dimension, with his fabulous and surprising colors that provide extraordinary lighting and a mystical background.
Di Fazio translates his love for nature on the canvas, evoking the atmosphere of the Italian countryside, and Tuscany in particular, in his inimitable way. His abstract style and subtle use of color effortlessly convey the authentic feel of the landscapes and bring out the natural nuances of the country.
Di Fazio's paintings are intriguing and fascinating for their composition and the harmony of colors, partly the result of the artist's advanced technical skills. The colors blend subtly into a brilliant alchemy that reflects a great expressive force.
Without any reference to realism, Di Fazio shows a universe full of surprises with the desire to promote emotions.In this very original abstract world, the subtlety of the harmonies is punctuated by geometric figures. The strokes of the brush strokes touch each other, they fit together. It is an impulse of dynamism to these rhythmic compositions that resonate like a musical score. As a teacher, the painter plays with the vibrations of chromatic notes to construct spaces of freedom inhabited by spiritual powers. Di Fazio's works reveal a unique atmosphere that brings together both color and form to propose new pictorial sensations.
Since 1988 he has participated in numerous art competitions throughout Italy,establishing himself among the best artists.
· “ARTE” Giorgio Mondadori Award.
· Medal of the President of the Republic Oscar Luigi Scalfaro.
· Rinascente Group Award Milan.
· "Gold Brush" Award Marina di Ravenna.
·2004 - 2019 | Permanent exhibition at Galleries Bartoux in New York, Londra, Singapore, Honfleur, Parigi, Cannes, Saint-Paul-de-Vence and Megève
·1999 – 2019 | Permanent exhibition at Galerie Oocker in Heusden and Budel, Holland
·2004 – 2008 | Galleria Torenart Arezzo,Italia
·2000 – 2004 | “Fiera d’Arte Contemporanea” Siviglia,Spagna
“Phorum Ateneas” Madrid, Spagna
“Galerie Arpège” Sarreguemines, Francia
Con Atelier Internazionale d’Arte nelle Gallerie di:
Los Angeles,California - Atlanta,Georgia - Konigstein, Germania
San Pietroburgo,Russia - Tokyo,Giappone - Eichenau, Germania
Liegi,Belgio -Mosca,Russia
·1999 | Expo ”Via Bagutta a Cortina D’Ampezzo” Cortina,Italia
“Fiera Internazionale d’Arte Benicasim” Castellon,Spagna
“Centro Congressi” Rottach-Egern, Germania
“Centro Congressi” Berchtesgaden, Germania
“Centro Congressi” Bad Kohlgrub, Germania
·1998 | Expo “Castano in Arte” Milano,Italia
Expo “Museo Toni Merz” Sasbach,Germania
·1997 | “Galleria Re di Quadri” Rho,Italia
Expo “Cova” Milano,Italia
“Galleria Ponterosso” Milano, Italia
“Sala Pieve” Brescia, Italia
“Castano Primo in Arte” Milano, Italia
“L’arte colora ogni vita” la cittadella dell’oasi Maria SS.Troina,Italia
“Pittori in ribalta”,Città di Nardò,Italia
“Palazzo del Moro” Mortara,Italia
“Circolo Artistico W. Magnavacchi” Ravenna, Italia
“Rassegna di pittura Corso Trento” Brescia, Italia
“Mostra di pittura Croce Bianca” Varese, Italia
“Museo Toni Merz” Sasbach,Germania
“Centre d’Art Contemporain” Briançon, Francia
“Galerie Contrast” Metz,Francia
·1996 | “Galleria Ada” Bergamo, Italia
“Casa L.Accorsi” Legnano, Italia
“Museo Toni Merz” Sasbach, Germania
“Centre d’art Contemporain” Briançon, Francia
·1995 | “Galleria Barcon” Milano,Italia
“Sala Pieve” Brescia,Italia
“Galerie 4 Coins” Roanne,Francia
“Galerie Courant d’Art” Nimes,Francia
“Galerie Julia Novo” Aix en Provence,Francia
“Museo della Ceramica” Sarreguemines,Francia
·1994 | “Il Gabbiano” Corbetta,Italia
“Sala 1° Circoscrizione” Brescia,Italia
“Centro Elmepe” Lecco,Italia
“Galerie Arpège” Sarreguemines,Francia
“Galerie Jules Salles” Nimes,Francia
“Galerie Contrast” Metz,Francia
·1993 | “Galleria Falco” Martinsicuro,Italia
“Galleria Viscontea” Rho,Italia
“Museo della ceramica” Sarreguemines,Francia
·1992 | “Galleria Civica” Spilamberto,Italia “Museo Toni Merz” Sasbach,Germania
·1991 | “La Pianta” Corsico,Italia “Galleria Apocalisse” Milano,Italia
·1990 | “Galleria Viscontea” Rho,Italia
·1988 | “Amici nella cultura” Sedriano,Italia “Citta’ di Buscate” Buscate, Italia